3D conversions of old episodes of Star Wars are canceled

3D conversions of old episodes of Star Wars are canceled

We do not ultimately see Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith (or previous) on the big screen in relief: Disney focuses on Episode VII and beyond.

We will not see the 3D conversions of the old Star Wars movies: According Deadline, the relief outings Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, originally scheduled for September 20 and October 4, respectively, been canceled. Fox also wanted to get the first three films of the saga of George Lucas (A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back cons, Return of the Jedi) it will also make a cross over.

In February 2012, The Phantom Menace was converted to 3D success does not meet the expectations of its distributor, 20th Century Fox: Episode I may well have still harvested 102.7 million on the planet, movie has been severely critical of the quality of the conversion (although Titanic 3D rented for the quality of work on terrain, raflait his side ... 343 000 000) and emerged this was seen as an attempt crass opportunist make easy money.

This decision, which comes after the official announcement of the hiring of JJ Abrams as director of Star Wars: Episode VII indicates that Disney / Lucasfilm wants to concentrate mainly on the production of new films in the world of War stars (which have 99.99% chance of being shot in 3D). If 20th Century Fox has yet still the rights of distribution (film and DVD / Blu-ray) for old episodes until May 2020, the studio receives it appears that 6% of operating revenues films Star Wars.
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